8300 West 94th Ave. Westminster, CO 80021 | Tel: 303-431-3694 | Fax: 303-423-4388
Woodrow Wilson Academy (WWA) is a free, K-8 Public School of Choice located in Westminster, CO. WWA is a Jefferson County Public School, with a special satellite program for home school students. Formed in 2000 by a group of parents passionate about quality education, WWA is still driven by a commitment to exceptional performance. WWA uses the proven Core Knowledge Sequence as the basis of its …


Moe Drouillard, a current 8th grade student, entered his poem “Starlight” into the 2023 Poetry To Go Contest sponsored by Columbine Poets of Colorado. Rachel Lang, also a current 8th grade student entered her poem “Dreamers” as well. Columbine Poets is a state poetry society whose mission is to promote the writing and appreciation of poetry among all ages across Colorado. The 8 winners, including Moe and Rachel, will have their poems printed on large placards and placed inside 200 RTD buses. Congratulations Moe and Rachel!
Rachel Lang also entered the 2023 Library Summer Challenge: Teen Writing Contest and got first place for middle school with her poem “The Call of the Mountains”! Congratulations Rachel!